Thursday, August 27, 2009

Another Republican Racist Speaks Her Mind

Rep. Lynn Jenkins of Kansas is the latest in a long line of Republicans who have let their racist dark side show. Recently, in a speech in her home state she said that Republicans are "looking for a great white hope" to stop the Democratic agenda and President Obama. These statements, and I have chronicled them in several other posts, are not slips. They are calculated to speak to the base. The base is for the most part the racist side of this country's voters, so it is easy to speak to them with a racial slant, then "apologize" later.

From racist emails to downright racist comments from the top of the party on down to the right wing radio and TV hacks, the GOP is showing its true colors. It works well with the base and continues to stir up the hatred and potential violence that lies underneath. There will be more of these comments over the course of the years coming from the GOP leadership and designed to keep the racist element stirred up. In the meantime the GOP will continue to flounder and move more deeply into a dark chasm.


Anonymous said...

The pot is calling the kettle black again.
Spend some time talking to the Lord while you are bowing down there to politics. He has real answers!

Georgia Mountain Man said...

Another inane comment. Would someone please explain what this Anonymous person means and how that comment relates to this post about a US Rep's racist comment.

Anonymous said...

Look in the mirror and read your last paragraph, pot. The kettle is the GOP that you hate.

Georgia Mountain Man said...

The last paragraph is a simple statement of the obvious. You are apparently very uninformed, Anonymous, or your eyes and your mind are very tightly closed.

Anonymous said...

seems to me that your heart is very black.