Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dr. Joseph Lowery

Tonight I went to hear Dr. Joseph Lowery speak at Young Harris College. It was probably the most inspirational message that I have heard in quite some time. Dr. Lowery is a United Methodist pastor, so his presentation was in the form of a sermon. He charged the audience to stand up and speak out for what is right in this time of such divisiveness. If those who know what is right, remain silent, then the rabblerousers, racists, and hatemongers will have their say.

Dr. Lowery spoke for over an hour and then answered several questions from the audience. He was inspirational, falling out of your seat funny, and held the large audience in the palm of his hand. I might add that the audience in this predominately white section of Georgia was very white. In addition to Rev. Lowery's small entourage, there were probably three or four non whites in the audience of more than 200 people.

If you ever get the chance to hear this 87 year old, soon to be 88, do it before it is too late. You will not regret hearing him.


Lou said...

That's so cool! He's been around a long time and you're right he's very inspiring.

Lou said...

Would you care to elaborate on his speech. 'd love to hear more.

Diane J Standiford said...

Being baptized in The United Methodist Church, I would love to hear him speak. Glad it was inspiring! A good pastor is hard to beat!